American Saddlebred
Horse Association


Once a quarter CASHA will put the spotlight on one person in our Saddlebred community.  Enjoy learning some new information about your fellow horsemen!

Isabella Pascalau

Age: 15

What Pets Do You Own? 1 horse named Soquili's Cisco Kid and 3 cats named Chester, Scrappy, and Aspen.

Which barn do you belong to?  Longview Stables

Parent's Names?  My mom is Kim and my dad is Michael

Where Do You Live?  Arvada, Colorado

3 things you might not know about me:  I have a twin brother, I am half British and half Romanian, and I love to bake (scones are my specialty)!

How long have you been riding?  5 years

What is your trainer's best advice?  Look ahead, plan ahead

What is your greatest achievement?   Learning to ride and how far I have come.

Three things I want to do when I grow up:  Travel the world, help and work with animals, and find a career that I am passionate about.