American Saddlebred
Horse Association

UPHA Scholarships

The United Professional Horsemen’s Association also offers several scholarship opportunities for youth riders.  The links below are direct links to the various scholarship opportunities.

ASHA Scholarships

There are also scholarships offered by our National organization, the American Saddlebred Horse Association. The link below is a direct link to the Youth Scholarship Page on the web.

Rider Scholar Award

The Rider Scholar Award is an award sponsored by the Parker Valley Farms Ladies Group. It is awarded to an applicant who is a juvenile, a member of CASHA, and has excelled in scholastics. See application for more details. Award is a Ra Don saddle pad and will be given at the CASHA Banquet annually.

Rider Scholar Award Winners
2014 – Shenia Beyer
2013 – Allison Burt
2012 – Alex Murr

The Murr Family Scholarship

The Murr Family Scholarship Fund is offering a $500.00 scholarship for the purpose of encouraging continuing education for our CASHA junior members.  This scholarship is designed to reward our young members for their participation, dedication and service within our community.  This scholarship will be awarded to a member who is a junior or senior in high school, and who has shown in at least 3 local Saddlebred shows during the year for which they are applying.  Community service performed in areas besides the horse world also will be considered.  Financial need is not a requirement for this scholarship.  Funds will be paid directly to the school of the recipient’s choice prior to the beginning of the recipient’s first semester.  The recipient will be announced during Championship Night at the Denver Queen City Horse Show in July of each year.  Applications will be due by June 1st of each year.

Murr Family Scholarship Award Winners

2015 - Bailey Trinkino and MacKenna Clark

2014 - None

2013 – Laurel Dickstein

Scholarship Opportunities

There are many scholarship opportunities available to youth riders in the Saddlebred Community.  Some scholarships are exclusive to CASHA members.  Various opportunities are listed below:

CASHA Scholarship Award
The CASHA Scholarship Award awards one college scholarship each year in the amount of $500.00 to the CASHA juvenile high point rider. The check will be made payable directly to the college of his/her choice. The winner will be announced each year at the CASHA Year End Awards banquet. Points will follow the RIDER ONLY; horses do not have to be owned by a CASHA member. To be eligible, riders must be a member in good standing of CASHA, be 17 years of age as of December 1 of the previous year per USEF rules at the time the award is made, and may currently be enrolled in High School or College.

CASHA Scholarship Award Winners
2015 - Lauren Whitt

2014 - None
2013 – Laurel Dickstein
2012 – Savannah Beyer
2011 – Katy Harmon
2010 – Jamie Beekman
2009 – Megan Varner

Colorado High Steppers

The Colorado High Steppers youth club officially started in May 2009.  Any CASHA youth member is invited to join.  Meetings will be held periodically either at one of the horse shows or location to be determined by the President.  Times for the meetings will be announced via email.

Officers need to be elected.  Positions available are as follows:

Vice President

The Colorado High Steppers participate in many fun activities, such as in a meeting in 2010 all the members created their own tie dye t-shirts. A new logo was selected from many entries in our logo contest. Cierra Brusenbach 's entry was the winner and she received a gift certificate for the movies.

Youth Information